Looking Forward to 2020

In the past month, my working life has been turned upside down. I was given a nudge about a year-long opportunity to work in another part of the company which really interested me. I applied and was successful. It all begins in early January.

This will mean significant changes in my professional and personal life for the year ahead. I will be travelling a lot more, meeting new people and encountering different challenges. I admit to some initial trepidation about it all. What was I thinking, moving away from what was familiar, relatively reliable and within my capability to something unknown? But my mind couldn’t leave it alone, and I knew that if I didn’t at least try that I would regret a missed opportunity.

As things become clearer, I am increasingly excited at the prospect of stepping off solid ground into something quite different. I don’t think I was aware of how much I needed change until it was underway.

I’m looking forward to an extraordinary year in 2020. How about you?

[Photo: Hang glider at Bald Hill Lookout, Stanwell Park]

10 thoughts on “Looking Forward to 2020

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  1. Sounds like “adventure” is going to be your theme word for 2020. Congratulations on seizing the day and going after something new and exciting. I hope it exceeds your expectations! *Audentes fortuna juvat!* (fortune favors the bold!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Exciting news and year ahead for you! Reading your post I was reminded of one of my favorite quotes “There is freedom waiting for you, On the breezes of the sky, And you ask “What if I fall?” Oh but my darling, What if you fly?”


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