Bloganuary Day 23: List five things you do for fun.

Finding time for fun is essential. You can’t always plan fun, and spontaneity adds to the enjoyment. Here are five fun things I like to do.

Listen to music. Where possible, I have music playing in the background. But it’s more fun to be able to stop and focus on the music, really listen to the lyrics and melodies, and reflect on how it resonates with you. Or just dance and sing along. For extra fun, go to a concert!

Read. A lot. The ability of a good book to take you to another time and place, or make you think differently, is something I love. I’m always reading a couple of books at any time, and try to have a mix of fiction and non-fiction, printed and audiobook. A recent favourite was Daisy and Kate by Meredith Appleyard for its depiction of friendships, family and rural life. I’ve just finished reading The Seven by Chris Hammer: a contemporary crime thriller with legacies felt across generations. And the last audiobook was Travels with My Aunt by Graham Greene. It made me laugh out loud and was a delight to listen to.

Walking. This is one of my favourite things to do. Whether I’m walking my dog or just having a wander, there is something about the sense of movement and discovery that is fun for me. You see things differently on foot, whether it’s a detail on a building, someone doing something interesting, or a plant. There are so many things just waiting to be discovered if you take the time to look around and really see what’s there.

Home time. I love being out and about, but there’s something fun for me in being at home. For a couple of years, I travelled for work, which was great, but it also gave me an appreciation of being at home. Just pottering about in the garden or cooking something new is enjoyable and relaxing.

Learn something new. I know I’m having fun when I lose sense of time, and learning about something new is a great way to do this. It keeps my mind firing, inspires ideas for writing, and helps me to better understand the ever-changing world that we live in.

What do you do for fun?

Bloganuary writing prompt
List five things you do for fun.

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